

We are living in a constant information flow. This is due to the increasing ease of creating “content”. Everyone creates their “content” with a flick of a camera. In that atmosphere and constant flow of “content”, which type of “content” should we consume? 

I like using “content” in brackets, because it is really not definitive. It just “is”. An educational video can be a content. A short music clip can also be. An “desirable picture” of a young lady on OnlyFans? Content it is. A piece from an academic text. For sure, content.

It feels like you are on an island. You have finite space to fill, if you decide to fill it with the things you find in the sea.

Well, would you pick the things that will help you to escape from the island? Or will you pick the things that will make you dream of escaping?

Dreaming of escaping is not escaping.

I think if you want a change in your life, or if you want to escape from your current island so to say, consume whatever is necessary. Let’s not pick the things that make you dream. You can already do it yourself. Let’s choose the things that will get you out of there. Your area in your island is always limited, so pick wisely.

I call it “isolation”. 

Duh, island. Yes, you are isolated.

But isn’t life almost exactly like this?

All those “things” in the sea. All the people, and now all the “content”.

They can help. They can think that they help. They can make you think that they help.

But in the end, you are what you make with all of them.

And, you are isolated in your decisions. 

It is up to you if you decide to take their help. They can only take you to the place where they are.

They can only take you to the place where they are.