Fear of Missing Out
Fear of Missing out, abbreviated as FOMO, is an interesting concept that I would like to write about today.
It is a psychological concept.
Probably, you are experiencing this. Most probably, you experienced this.
You know the feeling. You checked Instagram. You saw your friends hanging out at a beach party. You were sitting on your couch at that moment. What a pity that was! You missed out on partying with them. Lost opportunity. Maybe they didn’t even invite you. That’s tough!
What you do at this moment is practically this:
Your brain assumes that you are missing out on opportunities for reason X.
You do not care how important reason X is.
Brain focuses on the negative side, on the fact that you missed a chance.
Well, sure, you missed a chance. You missed out on partying with your friends. You missed out on travelling to a place that you wanted to see. You missed out on talking with someone you wanted to meet.
But that is how it is supposed to be.
As you cannot be everywhere all the time physically, you will always miss out on something.
And you will have FOMO only if you compare yourself with others.
It is not worth it.
Please focus on two things.
Focus on things you do now. Focus on where you want to go.
On your path, you are the captain of your soul. You do not miss out on anything.